Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy outlines the information about individuals that may be gathered by us, the choices available to you regarding your personal information, and the measures we take to safeguard your data. Aurez Aesthetics is dedicated to delivering high-quality services, and this policy elucidates our ongoing commitments to managing your Personal Information.We adhere to the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) outlined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). These principles govern the collection, utilization, disclosure, storage, security, and disposal of your Personal Information. Aurez Aesthetics follows operational processes and procedures aligned with the Australian Direct Marketing Association (ADMA) Code of Practice for customer marketing and the Spam Act 2003 for electronic marketing.For a detailed copy of the Australian Privacy Principles, you can access it on The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner's website at
What defines Personal Data and why do we gather it? Personal Data refers to information or viewpoints that pinpoint an individual. Types of Personal Data we gather include names, physical addresses, email details, and contact numbers.

Policy Updates

This Privacy Policy is subject to modification at any time and solely at our discretion. The updated version can be found on our website.

Collection of Personal Information

We gather information essential for delivering medical care, treatment, sharing information with clients, and managing our medical practice. This data encompasses details such as names, addresses, email addresses, phone and facsimile numbers, date of birth, gender, health information, family history, credit card and direct debit details, and contact information. Storage may occur in our computerized medical records system and/or handwritten medical records.

Whenever possible, we aim to collect information directly from you, acquired through methods like interviews, correspondence, telephone and facsimile communications, email, our website, your website, media and publications, and other publicly available sources. Additionally, information may be obtained from third parties, including treating specialists, radiologists, pathologists, hospitals, and other healthcare providers.

You have the option to unsubscribe from our mailing/marketing lists by contacting us in writing. In emergency situations, information may be gathered from your relatives or friends. Legal requirements may necessitate the retention of medical records for specified periods, contingent upon your age at the time-of-service provision.

Sensitive Information

The Privacy Act delineates sensitive information as data or viewpoints concerning an individual's racial or ethnic background, political opinions, membership in a political association, religious beliefs, membership in a professional body, or health information.We will employ sensitive information for the primary purpose for which it was acquired, or for a secondary purpose directly connected to the primary purpose, or with your consent, or as necessitated or authorized by law.

Utilization and Disclosure

We will regard your personal information with the utmost privacy and confidentiality. Its use or disclosure will be limited to purposes directly associated with your care and treatment or in ways that align with your reasonable expectations for ongoing care and treatment, such as sharing blood test results with specialists or fulfilling requests for x-rays.

Certain circumstances may necessitate or permit us, by law, to disclose your personal information to third parties. This may include entities like Medicare, the police, insurers, solicitors, government regulatory bodies, tribunals, courts of law, hospitals, or debt collection agents. Periodically, we may also furnish statistical data to third parties for research purposes.

In some instances, we may disclose information about you to external contractors handling tasks on our behalf, such as IT service providers, solicitors, or debt collection agents. We enforce stringent security and confidentiality requirements on how they manage your personal information, ensuring that they use it only for the specified activities we've assigned them.

Protection of Personal Information

We will implement reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy, completeness, currency, and relevance of your personal information. Your Personal Information will be stored in a manner that reasonably safeguards it against misuse, loss, unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure.

Once your Personal Information is no longer required for its original purpose, we will take reasonable steps to either destroy it or permanently de-identify it. However, a significant portion of the Personal Information may be stored in client files, which we will retain for a minimum of 7 years.

Accessing Your Personal Information

You have the right to request access to your medical records. We kindly ask you to submit your request in writing, and we commit to responding within a reasonable timeframe.While Aurez Aesthetics does not impose any fees for accessing your records, an administrative fee may be charged for providing a copy of your Personal Information. To ensure the protection of your Personal Information, we may request identification before releasing the requested information.

In certain circumstances allowed by law, access to your medical records may be denied, such as when disclosure poses a serious threat to your health or safety. If access is denied, we will provide a clear explanation of the reasons and inform you of the available options for responding to our decision.

Keeping Personal Information Current

Ensuring the accuracy and currency of your Personal Information is a priority for us. We will undertake reasonable measures to verify that your Personal Information is precise, comprehensive, and up-to-date. If you find that the information, we possess about you is inaccurate, incomplete, or outdated, we kindly request you to contact us in writing (see details below).

Privacy Policy Complaints and Enquiries

If you have any queries or complaints about our Privacy Policy please contact us at:

22 The Avenue, Windsor, Vic 3181
Phone: 03 90087239